Oct 27, 4:00pm: AC seminar series kickoff with Alán Aspuru-Guzik
Join us next week as the Acceleration Consortium (AC) launches our new seminar series that explores the future of AI for science! Based at the University of Toronto, the AC is a global community of academia, government, and industry who are accelerating the discovery of new materials and molecules needed for a sustainable future.
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The Acceleration Consortium (AC) is excited to kick off a new seminar series this month.
First up on Friday, October 27, 4:00pm is AC director Alán Aspuru-Guzik who will give a talk on the growing field of self-driving laboratories (SDLs), which use AI and automation to accelerate the discovery of new materials and molecules.
Several SDLs have been already demonstrated globally, and the field is racing towards more robust and complex applications. Alán will go over essential elements of SDLs using research examples from his group and collaborators, including the University of Toronto’s Acceleration Consortium (AC). Earlier this year, the AC received $200 million in funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) to continue our work on SDLs for chemistry, materials science and biotechnology. Alán will briefly discuss what the AC is doing and how to get involved with our efforts.
While the event is open to the public virtually, we welcome University of Toronto staff, students, and community members to attend in-person:
About the AC Seminar Series
The Acceleration Consortium (AC) seminar series will explore perspectives on the future of AI for science, present cutting-edge research findings, enable collaborations, and offer training and upskilling opportunities. Presented both in-person and online, these seminars will host diverse speakers on topics related to accelerated discovery across three tracks:
AC Distinguished Seminars: Leaders in the autonomous discovery community will share their findings and perspectives that are helping to shape future directions and address key challenges. These will be delivered in a hybrid format at University of Toronto.
AC Early Career Seminars: Early career researchers will present results from their latest publications, taking a technical dive into findings, methods, and tools. These will be delivered in a hybrid format at University of Toronto.
AC Virtual Training Seminars: Instructors will provide standalone introduction lectures and hands-on tutorials on topics related to self-driving labs with an emphasis on principles, literacy, and skills. These will be delivered virtually.
Future talks will feature those who are helping to shape the emerging field of accelerated science, including:
Lilo Pozzo, University of Washington
Sergei Kalinin, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Taylor Sparks, University of Utah
Jason Hein, University of British Columbia
Have a suggestion for a talk? We welcome your ideas for potential speakers from diverse career stages and backgrounds.
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