We have a new look!
New year, new look, new-ish consortium. Based at the University of Toronto, the Acceleration Consortium (AC) is a global community of academia, government, and industry who are accelerating the discovery of new materials and molecules needed for a sustainable future.
Subscribe to our mailing list, visit our website, or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
While our new website soft launched at the end of 2021, we’re officially ready for our close-up: acceleration.utoronto.ca
You’re welcome to take a peek around, but here’s a few areas you might want to explore first:
Learn about our vision to accelerate the discovery and design of materials and molecules needed for a sustainable future.
Meet our growing membership of nearly 100 international PIs whose groundbreaking work across many disciplines is bringing us closer to achieving our ambitious goals.
Explore our global network of self-driving labs, also known as materials acceleration platforms (MAPs).
Check out the partners (with more to be added soon!) that we’ve convened across disciplines, sectors, and geographies to expedite research translation and commercialization.
Discover the benefits of joining our community.
And, please reach out if you think there’s an opportunity to collaborate.
Of course, if you come across any bugs on the site, don’t hesitate to let us know: erin.warner@utoronto.ca.